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Displaying episodes 61 - 90 of 119 in total

and then took her hand away suddenly

Sheppard is gone. Thorensen and Radek want to turn back. Ventress wants to go forward. And, we look into the death of the anthropologist in the novel, in #Annihlation ...

how they would retreat into solitude together, and walk on and on

Thorensen wants to turn back, Ventress wants to go ahead, even if she is on her own, and Lena must decide what happens next in Annihilation minute 58.

as they turned by the cross roads

Lena convinces Thorensen and Radek to keep going, and we flash forward to Lena in the interrogation room, in Annihilation minute 59.

like a pair of boots that has been soaked and gone dry

Back within the Shimmer, Ventress leads the way through the forest and they come upon a boot, in Annihilation minute 60.

the still space that lies about the heart of things

Lena separates from the other women to see if Sheppard is still alive, she finds a deer, and we look at Pokemon, Baron Munchausen, and Pere David's Deer, in Annihilati...

but into what sanctuary had one penetrated?

The strange deer run away and we delve into the story of Actaeon and Diana before Lena finds Sheppard's body in Annihilation minute 62.

and such vast spaces lay between them

Lena looks at Sheppard's body then returns to the other women in Annihilation minute 63.

what power could now prevent the fertility, the insensibility of nature?

Lena wonders if something is wrong with Thorensen and the four remaining women arrive at Ville Perdu in Annihilation minute 64.

she could see her now, stooping over her flowers

Thorensen fumes, Lena examines a topiary child, Radek begins to figure things out, and we get sidetracked by Swamp Thing, in Annihilation minute 65.

here she was, she reflected, feeling life rather sinister again

Radek figures out what is happening in the shimmer, but neither Lena nor Thorensen are happy about it, in Annihilation minute 66.

with its shiny walls and its confusion

The remaining women enter a familiar, but strangely different, house, in Annihilation minute 67.

then there it was, suddenly entire shaped in her hands

Settling into a familiar house, Thorensen sees something in her own hands and Lena starts a secret examination in Annihilation minute 68.

at the other end of the table her husband

Lena examines her own blood, and we examine modern manipulation of DNA before finding Lena in bed with Daniel in Annihilation minute 69.

he went to the heart of things

More DNA poetry and Orpheus begins to blend with Odysseus as Daniel challenges Lena regarding their affair in Annihilation minute 70.

she knew it was poetry from the rhythm and the ring of exaltation and melancholy in his voice

Echoes of Daniel, echoes of Kane, as Thorensen lashes out in her moment of pain. Annihilation minute 71.

whispering in her ear, 'women can't paint, women can't write...'

Lena, Radek, and Ventress tied to chairs and gagged. Women silenced. Annihilation minute 72.

wishing to dominate, wishing to interfere, making people do what she wished

Thorensen continues to rant, the other three women bound and gagged, and we explore more on Penelope, on Homer being female, and what constitutes women's work. Annihil...

how did she exist in this portentous atmosphere

We run from Penelope to alcoholism as Thorensen's last prayer comes to its end in Annihilation minute 74.

it was that horrid skull again

the women hear sheppard screaming and the bear enters the house in annihilation minute 75.

so he bent his head courteously in her direction

The bear enters, and we explore behind-the-scenes details and what the bear means, in Annihilation minute 76.

she had it on the tip of her tongue to say

Lena struggles with her bindings, Thorensen battles with the bear, and we get sidetracked by Ungnyeo and the Korean origin myth in #Annihilation minute 77.

sharp-edged and ethereal and divided by great distances

Radek kills the bear, the bear has a name, and Ventress prepares to leave on her own, in Annihilation minute 78.

that meagre fixity, that bare unloveliness

Ventress leaves. We linger on plant people. Radek settles in. Annihilation minute 79.

why take such a gloomy view of life

Lena sits beside Radek and we look into the Tao of water and self harm in Annihilation minute 80. IN A CRISIS? Text HOME to 741741 to connect with a Crisis Counselor ...

for she had a clear sense of it there, something real, something private

Lena and Radek talk, and we delve into the calm before ending things in Annihilation minute 81. We can all help prevent suicide. The National Suicide Prevention Lifel...

the sense that everything this morning was happening for the first time, perhaps for the last time

Radek gives in to the shimmer and Lena is left alone in #Annihilation minute 82.

what was the spirit in her, the essential thing, by which, had you found a glove in the corner of a sofa, you would have known it, from its twisted finger, hers indisputably?

Lena, future, past, present, alone. And we discuss the inclusion of #HenriettaLacks in #Annihilation minute 83.

her horizon seemed to her limitless

From Lena's past to her present, alone on the shore, samsara, dukkha, and the crystalline structures that connect us together. Annihilation minute 84.

which curved and welled and broke upon the beach

In the novel, Lena sees a pair of dolphins; in the script, she picks up a skull at the scene of a massacre; in the film she marches past crystalline trees and a makesh...

beneath it is all dark, it is all spreading, it is unfathomably deep

Lena enters the lighthouse and finds something unexpected in #Annihilation minute 86.

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