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Displaying episodes 31 - 60 of 119 in total

do take me to the lighthouse with you

as Lena volunteers for the mission into the Shimmer, let us take a look at her childhood curiosity from the novel. #annihilation minute 27

ah, but what beautiful boots you wear!

Lena finishes her conversation with Ventress, talks to Lomax in the future, then the five women approach the shimmer as we take a look at their uniforms and equipment ...

like a ghostly roll of drums remorselessly beat the measure of life

As the women approach and finally enter the Shimmer, we drift into #sunshine, #doctorwho, #lost, #eventhorizon, #tvtropes, and other directions. #Annihilation minute 29.

that it was all ephemeral as a rainbow

Flashback to Lena's affair, then enter the Shimmer in Vandermeer's novel and enter the Zone in the Strugatskys' Roadside Picnic before Lena wakes up inside her tent, a...

whose day had slipped past in one quick doing after another

Lena gets her bearings after waking inside the Shimmer, and editing mistakes, production mistakes, or maybe a Shimmer-fueled #timeloop makes the geography of the camps...

and making the world reflect the compass of the soul

The women orient themselves as they decide what is next after none of them can recall setting camp, in #annihilation minute 32.

could not remember the whole shape of the thing

As the women strike camp and head south in #Annihilation minute 33, we drift into a passage from J G Ballard's The Drowned World.

a fairy kingdom on the far side of the hedge

We venture behind the scenes and into Chernobyl as the women approach a half-sunken fishing hut and find the local fauna to be quite unusual in #Annihilation minute 34.

putting a yellow against a purple, a curved shape against a round shape

Lena examines the flowers, Thorensen finds transport, Shepard takes some samples, Radek finds something lurking in the fishing hut, and Ventress does nothing in #Annih...

something they had picked up in the garden

As the women get away from the fishing hut only to have its occupant come after them, we have visible production equipment, continuity errors, and some great behind-th...

stalked some fantastic leviathan

A boar attacks in reality and in the novel, a gator attacks in the film, #Annihilation minute 37.

some deep, some buried, some quite speechless feeling

in the novel, the biologist begins to describe the tower, in the film, lena finishes examining the gator and we flashforward to lomax questioning her in #annihilation ...

the effort of merging and flowing and creating

The film slows down to show us some strange fish and Sheppard and Lena start to talk in #Annihilation minute 39. Meanwhile, in the novel, we begin to venture into the ...

as if her own weariness had been partly pitying people

Sheppard and Lena continue to have a more personal conversation in their boat, #Annihilation minute 40. Meanwhile, in the novel, we learn what is on the walls within t...

she could remember it as if it were yesterday—going on the river, feeling very cold

We leave the crawler and the tower and the novel behind (for now), and approach a guard tower as Sheppard tells Lena everyone's secrets in #Annihilation minute 41.

for she did not listen to the words

The women enter Fort Amaya, in a location real-life aliens may be familiar with, in #Annihilation minute 42.

and pick out one particular thing

The women enter the mess hall at the abandoned Fort Amaya, and we have one more note on the closed RAF Bentwaters, in #Annihilation minute 43.

like the treasures in the tombs of kings, tablets bearing sacred inscriptions

Thorensen finds a machine gun and Lena finds evidence that the previous expedition stayed at Fort Amaya in #Annihilation minute 44.

not inscriptions on tablets, nothing that could be written in any language known to men, but intimacy itself

Instead of respite in the abandoned mess hall, the women find a guard rota and video that may reframe what is going on, in #Annihilation minute 45.

something alien to the processes of domestic life

The video plays and the women start to see what horror befell the previous expedition, in #Annihilation minute 46.

laying his knife down for a moment

In the found video, Kane cuts own Mayer's abdomen to reveal that his internal organs are not what they should be. After watching the video, the women separate in Annih...

until she became the thing she looked at

Lena rejoins the group as they come upon the deformed and exploded body of Mayer in #Annihilation minute 48.

one could not help attaching oneself to one thing

Lena, Sheppard, and Ventress move closer to Mayer's exploded body while Radek and Thorensen back away, in #Annihilation minute 49.

this self having shed its attachments was free for the strangest adventures

Before we flashback to Lena and Kane on his day of departure, we get sidetracked by Orpheus and Eurydice in #Annihilation minute 50.

how could any lord have made this world?

Kane leaves, Orpheus fails to retrieve Eurydice, Lena awakens in the middle of the night. #Annihilation minute 51.

there was a sense of things having been blown apart, of space, of irresponsibility

Lena is troubled by what she sees in the microscope, then she and Sheppard share a quiet moment in the guard tower in #Annihilation minute 52.

and the lives of all the people in the world

Lena finds Ventress alone with a map in #Annihilation minute 53, and we sample J G Ballard on cataclysmic science fiction.

for ever, to nothingness

Lena asks Ventress about why Kane volunteered for a suicide machine and they (and I) discuss self-destruction, in #Annihilation minute 54.

they kept their heads very low, and said things shortly and gruffly

Lena's and Ventress' conversation about self-destruction is interrupted in #Annihilation minute 55.

like god himself, to millions of ignorant and innocent creatures

Something comes through the fence, and it takes Sheppard away, in #Annihilation minute 56.

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